
Mary’s Voice: Advent Reflections to Contemplate the Coming of Christ

Author: Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing
Publisher: Worthy Books
Genre: Christian / Advent
ISBN: 978-1-5460-0452-3
Pages: 208
Price: $24.00

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Every Christmas, we hear the story of the angel announcing to Mary that she has been chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. And we see Mary kneeling in front of Jesus with Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men in our manger scenes. But is this all we know about Mary’s role in this miraculous birth? If we read deeper in the Bible, we can see a lot more that Mary would like us to know.

In Mary’s Voice we visit with Mary as she experiences the angel’s visit. But we also see her as she goes in haste to see her kinswoman, Elizabeth, and hear the words they both exclaim to each other. We worship with her at the manger, and then we share in the sorrows and joys she feels, as she brings Jesus to the temple in offering to God. Throughout all of these events, Mary ponders in her heart all that she sees and hears.

I often wish the Bible recorded more of Mary’s thoughts or words, but Mary’s Voice offers us plenty to ponder in our own hearts. I highly recommend this wonderful Advent book for anyone seeking to more fully experience Mary’s role in the birth of Jesus.

Reviewer: Alice Berger

Christian, finance

Simple Money, Rich Life

Author: Bob Lotich
Publisher: WaterBrook
Genre: Christian, Personal finance
ISBN: 978-0-593-19365-5
Pages: 304
Price: $18.00

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Many Christians believe that money is the root of all evil, but they have actually been misquoting the Bible. Our goal as Christians should be to avoid the love of money. Having money is not a bad thing, and can, in fact, be very good, if we are giving it away.

Simple Money, Rich Life explores the journey Bob and Linda Lotich have been taking with regards to their own financial lives. In this unique look at money, they share how they have been led to earn all they can and then give away all that they can. This book includes practical money management tips such as how to automate savings, learn to spend more on what you love (and not on things that don’t matter), and never spend 100% of your income. Plus it provides guidance on finding your own personal niche to earn a great salary. But the goal of all of this financial wisdom is to find ways to give away as much as you can.

Unlike many financial books, this is a quick and enjoyable read, with no dry number crunching. The authors are personable and speak as helpful guides. If you’re looking to achieve true financial freedom and design a life of eternal impact, this book would be perfect for you. I highly recommend it.

Reviewer: Alice Berger

Christian, self improvement

Stilte: The Dutch Art of Quietude

Author: Mirjam van der Vegt
Publisher: Worthy Books
Genre: Christian / Self improvement
ISBN: 978-1-5460-1578-9
Pages: 224
Price: $21.00

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Do you long for more silence in your life? Do you find that your prayers are short and squeezed in between daily activities? Would you love to go on a retreat but can’t find the time? If so, Stilte is perfect for you.

After a brief explanation of the importance of silence, forty short meditations follow with ideas on how to cultivate it in our own lives. The include pruning, slowing down, and stopping the multitasking that never allows us to focus on only one thing at a time. We learn how to be silent while in motion, in contemplation, and in visiting places that are conducive to silence. Silence can be everywhere, if we only know how to find it.

Our world is filled with noise and busyness, which contributes to our high stress levels. In the silence, we can slow down and seek God’s direction in our lives. Stilte offers wonderful ideas on how to do this. I highly recommend it.

Reviewer: Alice Berger



Author: Justin Kane
Genre: Christian
ISBN: 978-1636251462
Pages: 407
Price: $19.99

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Many of us grew up in churches where we were expected to follow a set of rules in the hope that we could please God. But the sad reality is that we’re all sinners, and the only hope we have of getting to Heaven rests on the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us in dying on the cross. But what if we have it all wrong? What if God only sees Jesus when he looks at us?

Shifting from a functional gospel mindset to a relational one won’t be easy if we’ve already been conditioned to work for God’s approval. But the Bible provides hope that God actually offers a relational gospel. Over 800 scripture references are included in this book that help us rediscover the gospel, the new you, God’s gift of righteousness, God’s way of transforming us, and who God is.

Drifted offers a new and dynamic way of improving our relationship with God. I highly recommend it.

Reviewer: Alice Berger

Christian, self improvement

Survive the Day

Author: Ben Young
Publisher: David C Cook
Genre: Children / Self-help
ISBN: 978-0-7814-1464-7
Pages: 208
Price: $22.99

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When it feels as if life is out of control and nothing is going right, it can be difficult to see the light. Those are the times that try our souls, and we struggle to fight our way out. Survive the Day was written in response to author Ben Young’s own life storm, and he shares the insights he learned in the process.

Moving through painful circumstances takes time, and Young guides us, holding our hand the whole way. We face the challenge to move forward, make the choice to do something about our situation, and finally find the courage to change. The author shares his own story throughout, as he offers us his suggestions in handling our problems.

Survive the Day offers compassionate and Godly wisdom for moving through our grief and pain. I highly recommend it.

Reviewer: Alice Berger

Christian, teen, tween

Believe in You: Big Sister Stories and Advice on Living Your Best Life

Authors: Christina Cimorelli , Katherine Cimorelli, Lisa Cimorelli, Amy Cimorelli, Lauren Cimorelli, Dani Cimorelli
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Genre: Christian / Teen
ISBN: 978-1-4002-1302-3
Pages: 192
Price: $18.99

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The Cimorelli sisters have received lots of mail from girls looking for advice on how to handle the ups and downs of their growing-up years. Since they can’t respond to each one directly, they decided the best way to reach everyone was to compile their collective wisdom in Believe in You.

The topics they cover are: your relationship with you, spirituality, friendship, dating, family, money, your future, and letters to our younger selves. In each chapter, the six sisters share their own unique perspectives on the subject being discussed. Chatting as big sisters, each encourage girls in how to live their best life.

Believe in You is perfect for any girl who wants a Christian “big sister” to look up to. Fans of Cimorelli will especially enjoy it.

Reviewer: Alice Berger

Christian, finance

Provisions for Abundance

Author: Ryan Mack
Publisher: Health Communications Inc.
Genre: Christian / Finance
ISBN: 9780757323645
Pages: 384
Price: $16.95

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Christians have a responsibility to manage their money in accordance with God’s word. But how does God feel about accumulating wealth? Surprisingly, He doesn’t have a problem with it, as long as the quest for money doesn’t become an obsession for believers. And, in fact, it can become a wonderful resource when giving to those in need.

In Provisions for Abundance, author Ryan Mack offers 365 Christian daily devotionals for financial success. Each day explores a different topic, and includes several Bible verses to ponder along with a daily tip. But this is no “prosperity gospel” preaching. Instead, Mack encourages us to use a common-sense approach in financial planning. Budgeting, saving, smart spending, and being more generous to others are strong themes in this book.

Even if we’re not looking to build wealth, the strategies Mack shares with us will be helpful in everyday life. Smart money management is a skill that everyone can use, and I highly recommend this book for Christians who want to improve their financial future.

Reviewer: Alice Berger

Christian, men


Author: Pierce Brantley
Publisher: David C Cook
Genre: Christian / Men
ISBN: 978-0-8307-8073-0
Pages: 224
Price: $17.99

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Many men see their jobs as nothing more than a weekly paycheck, but Pierce Brantley doesn’t agree. Instead, he asks men to see their jobs as a calling that has meaning and purpose. But how can they find that purpose in the daily grind? Calling shows them how.

Throughout this book, Brantley shares his own experiences of growing up and working at various jobs. He has been laborer and business owner, and he shows how each has worked to further God’s will in his life, using the Bible as a reference. And finally, he shows men how to see the same purpose in their own lives.

As a woman, I was disappointed that the author chose to direct this book exclusively to men. Women can also benefit from his thoughts about following God’s will in our workplaces. But overall, I thought that Calling offered a fresh perspective of turning our daily work over to God to use for his highest glory.

Reviewer: Alice Berger


The Hope of Glory

Author: Jon Meacham
Publisher: Convergent Books
Genre: Christian
ISBN: 978-0-593-23666-6
Pages: 144
Price: $22.00

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In commemorating the Passion of Christ, Christians often focus on the last seven words of Jesus. Taken from the Gospels, these last words express essential Christian truths. The Hope of Glory is a collection of meditations on each of these last words, beginning with an explanation of their significance.

These words are:
The First Word: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
The Second Word: “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
The Third Word: “Woman, behond thy son!” “Behold thy mother.”
The Fourth Word: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
The Fifth Word: “I thirst.”
The Sixth Word: “It is finished.”
The Seventh Word: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.”

These meditations originally were spoken from the pulpit in 2013, and focus on the Jesus’s message of love, grace, and extraordinary mercy. The Hope of Glory would be a great read during the Lenten season.

Reviewer: Alice Berger


The Bible in 52 Weeks

Author: Dr. Kimberly D. Moore
Publisher: Rockridge Press
Genre: Christian / Bible study
ISBN: 978-1-64152-815-3
Pages: 208
Price: $14.99

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Have you thought about reading the Bible in a year? Many reading plans can be found on the internet, but maybe you’re looking for something more. The Bible in 52 Weeks provides a full reading plan along with 52 weekly meditations, as you study the scripture for the week.

The scripture reading plan is more than a trip through the Bible, cover to cover. Mixing it up a little makes it easier to get through some of the books that readers often find difficult. Each week’s meditation focuses on one of the daily passages, followed by some probing questions to think about and other supplemental materials.

The weekly reading plan provides six days of reading with one day off to catch up. Catholics who want to use this book could use this day off to read the Deuterocanonical books that are not included in the reading plan. This is not an in-depth study guide, so serious Bible readers would probably be better off with a reading plan from the internet and a good study Bible. But if this is your first time through the Bible, The Bible in 52 Weeks would be a good introductory plan to use.

Reviewer: Alice Berger