
Mary’s Voice: Advent Reflections to Contemplate the Coming of Christ

Author: Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing
Publisher: Worthy Books
Genre: Christian / Advent
ISBN: 978-1-5460-0452-3
Pages: 208
Price: $24.00

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Every Christmas, we hear the story of the angel announcing to Mary that she has been chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. And we see Mary kneeling in front of Jesus with Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men in our manger scenes. But is this all we know about Mary’s role in this miraculous birth? If we read deeper in the Bible, we can see a lot more that Mary would like us to know.

In Mary’s Voice we visit with Mary as she experiences the angel’s visit. But we also see her as she goes in haste to see her kinswoman, Elizabeth, and hear the words they both exclaim to each other. We worship with her at the manger, and then we share in the sorrows and joys she feels, as she brings Jesus to the temple in offering to God. Throughout all of these events, Mary ponders in her heart all that she sees and hears.

I often wish the Bible recorded more of Mary’s thoughts or words, but Mary’s Voice offers us plenty to ponder in our own hearts. I highly recommend this wonderful Advent book for anyone seeking to more fully experience Mary’s role in the birth of Jesus.

Reviewer: Alice Berger