
Mindful Moments with Maude

Author: Pamela Cappetta, EdD
Illustrator: David Gnass
Publisher: Mascot Kids
Genre: Children
ISBN: 978-1-63755-377-0
Pages: 38
Price: $18.95

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Illustrator’s website
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Addie wakes up stressed out after a stormy night. But even though the thunderstorm raged around them, Grammy’s dog, Maude had a peaceful rest. Addie wants to know her secret, so Maude begins to explain the concept of mindfulness.

Maude starts her lesson in asking Addie how she feels. Then she explains the idea of mindful breathing, and they practice it together. As the day unfolds, Addie notices how soft her clothes feel, how bright the sun is, and how the carpet feels against her toes. Grammy joins in mindfulness exploration by inviting Addie to visit the chickens, enjoy her breakfast, and stroll to the lake. And even though Addie tries to bring her phone, Grammy asks her to leave it behind so she can really experience the day without any distractions.

Being mindful allows Addie to really take notice of her world around her, making everything even more pleasurable. Kids will enjoy reading Maude’s (and Grammy’s) helpful advice in living their own lives in a more mindful way. I highly recommend Mindful Moments with Maude.

Reviewer: Alice Berger