
The Lapone Sisters

Author: Barry Wilker
Publisher: Archway Publishing
Genre: Women’s fiction
ISBN: 978-1-6657-2343-5
Pages: 314
Price: $28.95

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Yvonna Lapone was born in Romania, and suffered a terrible tragedy during World War II. After losing most of her family in a bombing, she decides to name her three daughters after her sisters – Shmellda, Sorina, and Esmerelda. The Lapone Sisters follows the family during the summer of 1976, after an unusual bank robbery in Nashville affects them all.

From multiple viewpoints, author Barry Wilker visits the lives of all three sisters, their parents, and a few other Nashville residents. We see Shmellda blossom after altering her appearance and her career. Sorina discovers hidden talents and overcomes her biggest weakness. And Esmerelda takes off on an adventure that will change her life. Yvonna and Frank Lapone can only smile as they watch their daughters grow into such beautiful young adults.

The Lapone Sisters is a feel-good story full of sensory imagery that provides a happy ending for almost everyone involved. It would make a fabulous vacation read.

Reviewer: Alice Berger