children, holiday

Christmas in America (Ellis the Elephant)

Christmas in America
Author: Callista Gingrich
Illustrator: Susan Arciero
Publisher: Regnery Kids
Genre: Children / Christmas
ISBN: 978-1-62157-345-6
Pages: 40
Price: $16.99
Reading Level: N

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Ellis the Elephant wants to discover how Christmas has been celebrated in America. Going back to the beginning of the nation’s history, he visits the people as they enjoy their Christmas holiday. Colonists, prairie settlers, George Washington’s troops, soldiers overseas, and presidential guests all had unique ways of sharing the holiday and making it special.

Told in rhyming verse, Christmas in America is a unique look at America’s history through the lens of Christmas past. Focusing on the warmth of sharing the holidays with family and friends, it also reminds us of the real reason for the season – the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas has become more of a celebration of lights and gifts these days, and it’s so refreshing to see a book that shares the true meaning of Christmas. I highly recommend Christmas in America.

Reviewer: Alice Berger